Lewis Ginter Winter Symposium (virtual)

Building Plant Diversity Builds Resilient Landscapes Over the past 15 years, a growing body of scientific research has enabled proponents of diverse plant selections and plant communities to re-think the

$55 – $100

GreenScapes Symposium

Advancing the Natural Landscape in a Modern World – Solutions for Sites & Situations Friday, February 18, 2022 9:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET *Live Zoom event Gardening for wildlife and


WSA Spring Into Action (virtual)

Sessions on  soils, nature play, pollinators, environmental justice, natural plant communities, invasive insects, and more. Optional, pre-conference in-person events. CBLP CEUs are available.

Today’s Menu: Strategies for Normalizing (And Legalizing) Wildlife Gardens in HOA Communities

Registration opens in January. It happens too often and in too many communities around the country: A responsible, environmentally conscious citizen takes the important step of converting her lawn to native plants, only to be reprimanded by her homeowners association for growing “weeds,” leaving stalks up for birds, or refusing to use pesticides. But even


Naturally Latinos Conference (Online + InPerson)

The conference will run approximately 11 am - 3 pm ET Tuesday - Thursday online, and 10 am - 5 pm ET on Friday at the Silver Spring Civic Center (Silver Spring, MD) and online. Saturday outdoor experiences will take place at 10 am ET in the Washington, DC area. You must purchase a "Hybrid"

$100 – $150


Native Plants: Forces for Conservation & Community The 35th Annual Lahr Symposium brings together subject matter experts on ecological, botanical, and horticultural advancements in a daylong program. Join us at this online event hosted by Arboretum staff. This year’s program will highlight the role of public gardens in native plant awareness and explore research on

$55 – $75

HandsOn CEUs: Virginia Beach Oyster Castle Living Shoreline Installation

Contact Jim Cahoon jim@bay-environmental.com & Mention Private Property on Quail Point Road “constructing approximately 200 linear feet of living shoreline if front of an existing tidal marsh on the Lynnhaven River for a homeowner. Volunteers will need gloves and rubber boots”. Volunteers needed to carry and place approximately 1200 oyster castle blocks.

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