Backyard Stream Repair Series

When:Tuesdays and Thursdays (2:00 PM - 3:30 PM ET) Oct. 11, 13, 18, 25, & 27, 2022 Is your stream getting deeper or wider? Are you losing some of your


Tree Canopy Conference

Haverford College Haverford, PA

Philadelphia’s trees make our communities livable. They filter our air, regulate water flow, reduce carbon emissions, improve our mental health, and so much more. Unfortunately, our urban tree canopy faces

$80 – $150

James River Riparian Consortium Buffer Summit

An exciting line-up of speakers and networking sessions to engage with other Consortium members and partners working in the watershed. The Buffer Summit will inspire new connections and opportunities around



24-HOUR VOLUNTEER TREE PLANTING RELAY A.K.A. TREELAY Every year, the Alliance engages communities, companies, and conservationists to plant thousands of trees in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. We’ve been looking for a big,

CBLP Level 2 Intensive Seminar

Climber's Run PA

Register now for our first in-person Level 2 class since 2019! November 10, 11, 12 Lancaster Conservancy's Climber's Run Nature Center, Lancaster, PA Continental breakfast x3 and lunch x2 and

Live Staking 101 Webinar

Live Staking is a fast, efficient, affordable way to plant trees and shrubs on streambanks and other wet environments. Whether used as a primary method for reforesting an area, as

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