RiverSmart Homes Rain Garden Training for Contractors

Join the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay for a free virtual rain garden training on Wednesday, September 23rd. This training is intended for local landscape contractors interested in becoming a participating contractor for the RiverSmart Homes Program in Washington, DC. Who is eligible to attend?   Everyone. You do not need previous experience in rain garden installations to attend,


Shoreline Management Webinar Series

The VIMS Center for Coastal Resources Management is offering a free virtual, 3-part Shoreline Management Webinar Series.  These webinar sessions will include presentations and live interaction with shoreline science and policy experts.  Each webinar will be recorded and posted on the CCRM web site for future viewing and reference. Participation will require access to Zoom video conferencing


RiverSmart Homes Rain Barrel Training for Contractors

Join the Alliance for a free virtual rain barrel training on Tuesday, September 15th. This training is intended for local contractors interested in becoming a participating contractor for the RiverSmart Homes Program in Washington, DC. Who is eligible to attend?   Everyone. You do not need previous experience in rain barrel installations to attend. More than one representative from


Urban BMP Design Charrette

CBLP is organizing a special, one-day, collaborative workshop to develop a planting design for urban stormwater planters at a historic site in Arlington, VA. Led by landscape architect and certified

$90 – $110

Invasive Plants Webinars

Choose one date:  Sept 29, Oct 7, or Oct 22. Non-native invasive plants are quickly overwhelming many properties by tearing down the forest canopy and overtaking our native plants at


Green Stormwater Infrastructure Webinars

Join the Green Storwmater Infrastructure Series webinars to learn how research and work across Pennsylvania are providing cost effective approaches to managing stormwater. Explore how to properly prepare soils, select appropriate vegetation,


Living Shorelines for Landscape Professionals

This event is moving online! The new date is Friday, October 16, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM We will follow up the online course with an optional half-day field tour in the Annapolis area on the afternoon of October 20. Registration fee covers online course + field visit. Organized by CBLP and University of Maryland

$75 – $90
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