APLD Webinar: HortEcology: Plantings and Practices

HortEcology: Plantings and Practices  Presented by Kelly Norris, Director of Horticulture & Education, Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden Kelly's love for native plants and his experiences with wild plant communities have shaped his career in profound ways. As a so-called hort-ecologist, Kelly strives to interpret native ecosystems into beautiful, functional landscapes in the urban context.

$25 – $100

Native Plant Seminar & Sale

Irvine Nature Center Owings Mills, MD

Featuring many of the region’s finest native nurseries, the plant sale at Irvine offers a wide selection of top quality native plants for purchase. Seminar registrants are admitted 90 minutes before the sale opens to the public. This seminar is great for nursery and landscape professionals, garden club members, native plant enthusiasts, environmental educators, land

$65 – $90

Invasive Plant ID for Professionals

Community Resources Building 30 Duke St, Prince Frederick, MD

In this 3-hour workshop you will learn how to identify invasive plant species found growing in landscaped and natural areas by examining cut samples from live plants. Following the presentation


RiverSmart Homes Contractor Training

District of Columbia DOEE

Join us for a free rain garden training for local landscape contractors interested in becoming a participating contractor for the RiverSmart Homes Program. You do not need previous experience in rain garden installations to attend, but in order to become a RiverSmart


Stormwater Landscapes: Using Native Plant Communities for Design

Albemarle County Office Building Charlottesville, VA

This workshop focuses on designing storm water landscapes modeled on native plant communities, and using an ecological assessment process. Understand how design choices can support greater habitat value for wildlife and

$85 – $100

Maryland Native Plant Society Conference

University of Maryland Baltimore County Baltimore, MD

The Times They Are A’Changin’: Threats to Maryland’s Native Plant Communities Co-sponsored by the Department of Geography and Environmental Systems at University of Maryland Baltimore County and the Mid-Atlantic Invasive

$15 – $80

Know Your Invasive Plants

ANS Woodend Sanctuary 8940 Jones Mill Rd, Chevy Chase, MD

Invasive plants that kill or bring down mature trees can seriously alter stream health and ecosystem function. Volunteer Master Naturalist Diyan Rahaman will help you identify non-native invasive plants at

$15 – $25

Native Meadow Establishment and Maintenance

PA 1446 Auction Rd., Mannheim, PA

8:30-9am: Sponsored Breakfast & Registration 9am: Meadow Case Study 9:30am: Meadow purpose, establishment, and maintenance 10:30-11am: Meadow Field Walk, Assess & Manage   Discounted registration for CCLC and LCCWC members.

$15 – $30
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