James River Tree-A-Thon

The James River Association, in partnership with the Robert E Lee and Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation Districts, will be planting 3,000 trees at farms along various tributaries of


Last Defense for Local Forests: Edges of Woodlands

Dolley Madison Library 1244 Oak Ridge Ave, McLean, VA

A talk by Rod Simmons. Semi-open conditions along woodland edges and openings give rise to a diverse suite of light-demanding native flora. A variety of habitats that occur in woodland edges and openings will be presented, including meadowy areas, seepage wetlands, stream banks, rocky outcrops, and others. Best Management Practices will also be discussed, including


Shenandoah Valley Plant Symposium

Best Western 109 Apple Tree Lane, Waynesboro, VA

Check out the program and great speakers at this one-day horticulture symposium in Waynesboro, VA: Natural Landscape Design: Meadows, Woods and Water- Larry Weaner Planting Solutions for Green Infrastructure- Claudia West Living in the Wild: My House - Larry Weaner TBA- Preston Montague The Exciting World of Container Culture- Dan Benarcik   CBLP CEUs will

$80 – $100

Northern VA Nursery and Landscape Association

Merrifield Garden Center 12101 Lee Hwy, Fairfax, VA

"Spring Jump Start" Speakers: Alonso Abugattas- Wildlife of Northern Virginia Holly Shimizu-Healthy Gardening for People and the Environment Food & Drinks Provided RSVP by March 14 to nvnla.org@gmail.com

$35 – $45

Lahr Native Plant Symposium

US National Arboretum 3501 New York Ave. NE , Washington, DC

Registration opens in February.   CBLP CEUs will be available.

Re-imagining an Urban Woodland Garden: A Lens on Dumbarton Oaks Park

This is a 2-day event sponsored by Dumbarton Oaks Park & GW's Sustainable Landscapes Program The Power of Urban Nature: How Great Urban Planting Enriches Lives Friday April 13, 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. GW Media & Public Affairs Building 805 21st Street NW, B07 Washington, DC Claudia West, nationally-known expert in ecological planting design,


Green Churches: A Faith-Based Environmental Workshop

The Farm at Maymont 1001 Spottswood Rd., Richmond, VA

Agenda: 8:50 – 9:05                   Check in 9:05 – 9:10                   Opening Comments 9:10 – 9:15                   Jennifer Hatchett, City of Richmond RVAH20 9:15 – 9:25                   Shawn Ralston – James River Association River Hero Homes, Green Infrastructure Funding Projects 9:25 – 9:35                   Blair Blanchette – Chesapeake Bay Foundation 2nd Street Baptist Church 9:35 – 9:50                   Break


River Smart Rain Garden Installation Workshop

Want to learn how to install rain gardens in the District? Join the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and DC Department of Energy and Environment for a FREE training. The DC RiverSmart Rain Garden Training will be held on Tuesday, May 8 from 10 – 4 pm. This training will introduce participants to the RiverSmart Homes Landscaping


Webinar: Emerald Ash Borer Cooperative Management: Ideal and In-practice

USDA Forest Service Urban Forest Connections Webinar Series The emerald ash borer (EAB) is one of the most economically and environmentally damaging invasive species to reach the United States. Economic damage of EAB is most severe in cities that lose abundant high-value ash trees growing along streets and in yards. Pest management and economic models


Webinar: Designing a Downtown Fit for Trees

Penn State Extension Community Forestry Management Monthly Webinar Series Growing trees in a downtown commercial setting can be a major challenge when you consider they need room to grow (including rooting space); not block signs, delivery trucks or pedestrians; must tolerate salt and heat; and can’t make a mess by dropping fruit or flowers. Join

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