Help Install a Living Shoreline

Indian River Chesapeake, VA

Hands-On CEU Volunteer Activity Various Dates and Times - See below.  RSVP to Grace Saunders,, 757-399-7487. Attire - Please bring gloves and wear shoes that can get muddy. We’ll have tools, water, snacks, sunscreen, but please bring your own lunch (if applicable). Age - This will be hard work, so we recommend adults or young


Rain Garden Workshops in Baltimore Area – Hands On Volunteer Opportunity

The Gunpowder Valley Conservancy, a Baltimore County-based land preservation and watershed restoration non-profit, is hosting several Rain Garden workshops in June. We’re looking for volunteers to help create rain gardens at private residences in the Baltimore area. No gardening experience required! Got flooding in your backyard? This is the perfect time to learn more about the benefits of incorporating


Conservation Landscaping with Native Plants for Wildlife Diversity and Watershed Health

First Landing State Park Virginia Beach, VA

Please join us for this full-day workshop, which is being developed specifically for certified CBLPs and VSLD members.  This course will combine morning lectures and afternoon field time, visiting a reference landscape and then several residential-scale projects. Lunch will be provided. Early registration- $85 (until May 25) After May 25, registration- $100 REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE

$85 – $100

Webinar: Shoreline Management Insights

The Urban Stormwater Workgroup recently updated the Shoreline Management BMP Expert Panel report with new nutrient reduction values. In this webcast, David will give a refresher on the Shoreline Management report and outline the recent updates. Then, Albert will provide some insights and guidance on implementing living shoreline and wetland restoration projects based upon work


Invasive Plant Workshops in VA

Join the Blue Ridge PRISM for Our Summer Invasives Workshops Concerned about Japanese stiltgrass, Oriental bittersweet, or multiflora rose swallowing up your land? Our summer workshops will teach you how to recognize these and other pervasive invasives in their summer garb and how to most effectively control them at this time of year. Topics covered in

$20 – $25

Weed Warrior Training

Howard Community College Columbia, MD

Most natural communities support a great variety of native plants and animals. Such biodiversity is threatened when a few plant species take over and dominate the herbaceous, shrub and canopy layers of a forest. Learn how to identify and remove the exotic invaders threatening our native landscapes. You, too, can become a weed warrior and


Webinar: Trees for Bees: Pollinator Habitats in Urban Forests

Pollinator habitats are important to all landscapes, including urban and suburban forests. Pollinators need numerous resources in addition to nectar and pollen, such as nesting sites, water, and shelter. The webinar will cover pollinator habitat needs and ways to promote pollinators in urban and suburban forests. Available resource materials and instructions for a hands-on learning


Climate Change Resiliency Webinar

Businesses for the Bay and the Chesapeake Bay Program are presenting this lunch and learn webinar. Storms, floods and changing landscapes will have big impacts across the watershed to the


VNLA Summer Field Day

Colesville Nursery Ashland, VA

Field Day Schedule 9 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Attendees choose from: • Tour Colesville • Bartlett Tree Experts - air spade demonstration • Larry Weaner: Growing, Planting and Maintaining Native

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