Collecting and Saving Seeds Workshop

Mt. Cuba Center 3120 Barley Mill Rd, Hockessin, DE

Seed collecting is a great way to get free plants and preserve the genetic diversity of our local flora. For home gardeners, land stewards, and plant advocates, saving seeds from


CCLC Turning a New Leaf Conference

Hilton Dulles Herndon, VA

Online registration for Turning a New Leaf 2017 is now open! Visit the CCLC website for full details and to register. Keynote speaker, Rick Darke, will discuss, "THE DESIGN &

$100 – $140

ELA Conference: The Evolving Role of Urban Landscapes

Winterthur Museum & Gardens 5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, DE

Increasing urban growth continues to raise concerns about biodiversity, ecosystem function, and ultimately, sustainability. Join us for a day to reflect on urban landscapes with James Hitchmough from the University

$119 – $139

River Smart Rain Barrel Training

DC DOEE Washington, DC

Join us for a FREE rain barrel training for all local landscape contractors in the DC Metro Area. The training will be held at 1200 First Street NE, DC. Anyone is


Creating Living Landscapes

Friends School of Baltimore 5114 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD

A free lecture by Doug Tallamy


Patuxent River Conference

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Edgewater, MD

PaxCon 2017: Making the Leap from Information to Application The Patuxent River Conference (PAXCON) is the premier forum uniting scientists, environmental educators, natural resource managers, and anyone passionate about the

New Directions in the American Landscape

Montgomery Community College Blue Bell, PA

Save the date for this great winter conference! New Directions in the American Landscape (NDAL) advances the art and science of natural landscape design by collaborating with design, horticulture, and

Native Plant Interactions Above and Below Ground

Green Springs Gardens 4603 Green Spring Rd, Alexandria, VA

Please join us for a talk by Charles Smith, to kick of our lecture series again this year. The interactions and relationships in plant communites form the visible framework of our living world. What we often don’t see are the many other organisms interactng with plants, such as insect larvae, lesser known pollinators and bacterial

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