Webinar: The Salt Dilemma: Growing Better Urban Trees in Northern Climates

Can urban trees and city winter weather protocols peacefully co-exist? Join us for a discussion of the latest research findings related to successfully growing trees under these conditions. Dr. Andrew Millward will walk us through his investigation of the surprising decline and mortality of trees planted using soil cells in a recent urban revitalization project


Forest Riparian Buffer Workshop

Lock Haven University Lock Haven, PA

Topics for the workshop will include: ï‚· Stream ecology ï‚· Selling buffers with wildlife and pollinators ï‚· Precision Conservation and buffer program options ï‚· Stroud Center research on buffer methods Register through the link below, or by calling Adrienne Gemberling at 570-372-4762. RSVP deadline: February 1st. CBLP CEUs will be available.

Shade Tree Symposium


Early registration ends January 31. CBLP CEUs will be available.

$35 – $360

Lewis Ginter Winter Symposium & CVNLA Short Course

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Richmond, VA

Remember how you felt the first time you encountered that beautiful plant that now is your always recommended favorite? What plants, when displayed together, make your heart beat faster and always stun you with their four seasons of unrivaled beauty? Where do you turn for that purposeful palette of form, texture, color, and function—plants that

$55 – $180

CBLP Update

NEW DATE!!  Rescheduled due to weather. Join us in Arlington, VA for an update for CBLP professionals, and earn some CEUs.  This one-day workshop will include: Lecture by Carol Heiser on using native plants to provide wildlife habitat Update from the Chesapeake Stormwater Network on BMP verification in the Bay region An opportunity for CBLPs


Riparian Forest Buffer Summit

Best Western Premier Harrisburg, PA

Pennsylvania has a goal of planting 95,000 acres of riparian buffers statewide by 2025 to improve water quality. The objective of the Summit is to provide conservation professionals and other Riparian Forest Buffer practitioners, decision makers and others with the latest and greatest information on Forest Buffer science, implementation strategies, outreach, funding options, as well

$75 – $100

Chesapeake Green 2019

Maritime Conference Center 692 Maritime Boulevard, Linthicum Heights, MD

Chessie Green, as it is known within the industry, is a two-day event packed full of engaging and informative horticulture education.  The symposium will be held on February 20 and 21, 2019 again at the Maritime Institute. We are proud to be celebrating Chessie Green’s 16th year! Come for the great education and enjoy the networking, vendor showcase, and

$110 – $290

Green Matters Symposium

Silver Spring Civic Center 1 Veteran's Place, Silver Spring, MD

Garden by Design: Creative Approaches to Diverse Landscapes Join industry experts as they explore creative design solutions that address the challenges and opportunities associated with diverse landscapes. Whether you’re a home gardener interested in creating biodiverse habitats for your backyard or a landscape architect designing a public space for community gatherings, you’ll walk away with

$85 – $95

Anne Arundel WSA Spring Into Action Conference

Severna Park High School Severna Park, MD

Get inspired, expand your network and spring into action! This annual conference is a dynamic gathering of Stewards, Consortium, restoration professionals, watershed organizations and more! Session 1 Track A: Dynamic Engagement- Creating Equity Across the Watershed Chante Coleman, Kacey Wetzel, Bre Anna Brooks and Mariah Davis Track B.1: WSA Pro- The Bare the Boggy and

Stream Corridor Restoration Workshop

Susquehanna University Selinsgrove, PA

Workshop topics: ï‚· Stream ecology and the role of trees in healthy streams ï‚· Options and strategic priorities for stream restoration ï‚· Sediment transport and fate in streams ï‚· Stream morphology and large woody debris Register through the link below or by calling Adrienne Gemberling at 570-372-4762. RSVP deadline: Tuesday February 19th. CBLP CEUs will

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