GreenScapes Symposium

Advancing the Natural Landscape in a Modern World – Solutions for Sites & Situations Friday, February 18, 2022 9:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET *Live Zoom event Gardening for wildlife and


WSA Spring Into Action (virtual)

Sessions on  soils, nature play, pollinators, environmental justice, natural plant communities, invasive insects, and more. Optional, pre-conference in-person events. CBLP CEUs are available.

Hands-On CEUs: Eastern Shore VA Oyster Castle/Catcher Construction & Installation

The Nature Conservancy Needs 80 volunteers for Oyster & Marsh Restoration Contact Jennifer Dalke Oyster Catcher Construction | Nassawadox, VA | all times 12:30-3:30 | 10 volunteers needed each day to mix concrete and roll burlap/jute through the concrete. Volunteers will be lifting 10-15 lbs. Wear old clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting dirty. The work will take



Native Plants: Forces for Conservation & Community The 35th Annual Lahr Symposium brings together subject matter experts on ecological, botanical, and horticultural advancements in a daylong program. Join us at this online event hosted by Arboretum staff. This year’s program will highlight the role of public gardens in native plant awareness and explore research on

$55 – $75

Hands On CEU Opportunities in PA

Saturday, April 2- Live Staking and Tree Planting A landowner near Mount Joy has an eroding streambank that could use some live stakes and trees to help hold it in

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