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Novel Ecosystems and the Urban Landscape

The combination of the chronic environmental stress induced by climate change, the physical disturbances of urbanization, and the competition presented by globalization (invasive species) interact to create urban novel ecosystems


Native Plants for Landscape Professionals (Virtual)

This conference is for professionals in the landscaping industry only (landscape designers, landscape architects, growers, nurseries, landscape maintenance, property managers, builders, etc.)  Topics: Choosing pollinator plants for maximum beauty and


Invasive Plant Fall Workshops

Join our friends at Blue Ridge PRISM for their fall workshops: Introduction to Invasive Plants and Identification – Sept 21 (virtual) Invasive Plant Control – Sept 23 (virtual) Charlottesville Field

$15 – $25

Climate Change 101 Webinar

You’ve heard the term climate change, but have you ever wondered how our climate is actually changing? How do we know humans are causing it? And, so what? Earth’s climate has