Hands-On CEUs: Eastern Shore VA Oyster Castle/Catcher Construction & Installation

The Nature Conservancy Needs 80 volunteers for Oyster & Marsh Restoration Contact Jennifer Dalke jdalke@tnc.org Oyster Catcher Construction | Nassawadox, VA | all times 12:30-3:30 | 10 volunteers needed each day to mix concrete and roll burlap/jute through the concrete. Volunteers will be lifting 10-15 lbs. Wear old clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting dirty. The work will take



Native Plants: Forces for Conservation & Community The 35th Annual Lahr Symposium brings together subject matter experts on ecological, botanical, and horticultural advancements in a daylong program. Join us at this online event hosted by Arboretum staff. This year’s program will highlight the role of public gardens in native plant awareness and explore research on

$55 – $75

Hands On CEU Opportunities in PA

Saturday, April 2- Live Staking and Tree Planting A landowner near Mount Joy has an eroding streambank that could use some live stakes and trees to help hold it in


Blue Ridge PRISM Invasive Plant Class Online

The May 10 & 12 invasive plant sessions will be offered via Zoom. May 10 will provide an introduction to invasive plants and focus on how to identify them in the summer. May 12 will cover control methods and provide tips on how best to manage these invasive plants during the summer. Our May 10 online


Blue Ridge PRISM Invasive Plant Classes – Online

The May 10 & 12 invasive plant sessions will be offered via Zoom. May 10 will provide an introduction to invasive plants and focus on how to identify them in the summer. May 12 will cover control methods and provide tips on how best to manage these invasive plants during the summer. Our May 12


Invasive Plants Field Workshop

Rokeby Farm Middleburg, VA

Blue Ridge PRISM is partnering with the Oak Spring Garden Foundation to offer two identical in-person workshops (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) at Oak Spring’s Rokeby

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