The Nature Conservancy Needs 80 volunteers for Oyster & Marsh Restoration Contact Jennifer Dalke Oyster Catcher Construction | Nassawadox, VA | all times 12:30-3:30 | 10 volunteers needed each day to mix concrete and roll burlap/jute through the concrete. Volunteers will be lifting 10-15 lbs. Wear old clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting dirty. The work will take …
Saturday, April 2- Live Staking and Tree Planting A landowner near Mount Joy has an eroding streambank that could use some live stakes and trees to help hold it in place. Live staking is the process of taking cutting of plants like willows and red twig dogwoods and inserting them directly into the streambank where …
Contact Jim Cahoon & Mention Private Property on Quail Point Road “constructing approximately 200 linear feet of living shoreline if front of an existing tidal marsh on the Lynnhaven River for a homeowner. Volunteers will need gloves and rubber boots”. Volunteers needed to carry and place approximately 1200 oyster castle blocks.