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Volunteer Opportunity: PA Riparian Rangers

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay is looking for volunteers in Pennsylvania for their Riparian Ranger Program. Participants will “adopt” a riparian buffer and help to monitor and tend to recently planted trees. This will include tasks like straightening tree tubes, fixing bird nets, removing weeds, monitoring invasives, and helping to replant any trees that



Join us in Pennsylvania or Virginia for CBLP-Buffers, our new certificate course on riparian buffers.  This comprehensive riparian buffer training program includes 3 sessions: Buffer Basics Webinar - 1:00 - 4:00 PM Site Assessment Workshop - November 2 - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Maintenance Assessment and Planning - November 30 - 9:00 AM -

$25 – $250

Hands On Events: PA Buffer Planting with Penn State

Riparian Buffer Planting- Friday, October 29, 9:00 AM- Noon, Lancaster Join Penn State, Stroud, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, and other partner organizations in Lancaster to plant about 1000 trees at Overlook Park. Registration is now open!  Riparian Buffer and Live Staking Event- Saturday, November 13, 9:00 AM- 11:30 AM, Hummelstown Join Penn State, Manada Conservancy, and the Crestview

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