Hands-On CEUs: Eastern Shore VA Oyster Castle/Catcher Construction & Installation
The Nature Conservancy Needs 80 volunteers for Oyster & Marsh Restoration Contact Jennifer Dalke jdalke@tnc.org Oyster Catcher Construction | Nassawadox, VA | all times 12:30-3:30 | 10 volunteers needed each day to mix concrete and …
Naturally Latinos Conference (Online + InPerson)
The conference will run approximately 11 am - 3 pm ET Tuesday - Thursday online, and 10 am - 5 pm ET on Friday at the Silver Spring Civic Center (Silver Spring, MD) and online. Saturday outdoor experiences will take place at 10 am ET in the Washington, DC area. You must purchase a "Hybrid" …
Native Plants: Forces for Conservation & Community The 35th Annual Lahr Symposium brings together subject matter experts on ecological, botanical, and horticultural advancements in a daylong program. Join us at this online event hosted by Arboretum staff. This year’s program will highlight the role of public gardens in native plant awareness and explore research on …