Volunteer Opportunity: PA Riparian Rangers

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay is looking for volunteers in Pennsylvania for their Riparian Ranger Program. Participants will “adopt” a riparian buffer and help to monitor and tend to recently planted trees. This will include tasks like straightening tree tubes, fixing bird nets, removing weeds, monitoring invasives, and helping to replant any trees that


Invasive Plant Fall Workshops

Join our friends at Blue Ridge PRISM for their fall workshops: Introduction to Invasive Plants and Identification – Sept 21 (virtual) Invasive Plant Control – Sept 23 (virtual) Charlottesville Field

$15 – $25

Climate Change 101 Webinar

You’ve heard the term climate change, but have you ever wondered how our climate is actually changing? How do we know humans are causing it? And, so what? Earth’s climate has

Buffer Field Day in PA

Ephrata, PA Ephrata, PA

Visit several riparian buffer locations to see how buffers can be used in both agricultural and urban landscapes. Learn about the benefits of planting trees and shrubs along streams and

$10 – $15

Today’s Menu: Buffer Success Stories

Join us as we kick off Riparian Buffer Month.  Certified CBLP pros from Maryland and Virginia will share their buffer success stories. This is a free webinar, but advance registration

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