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Live Staking 101 Webinar

Live Staking is a fast, efficient, affordable way to plant trees and shrubs on streambanks and other wet environments. Whether used as a primary method for reforesting an area, as


Winter Woody Plant ID

Join Nature Forward (formerly Audubon Naturalist Society) and certified CBLP, Bradley Simpson for this hybrid class in Maryland. Thursdays, 6 - 8 pm January 12 - February 9 Lectures online

$290 – $340

2023 VSLD Educational Program & Winter Meeting

1800 Lakeside Ave, Henrico, VA 23228 1800 Lakeside Ave, Henrico, VA

Feb. 25,2023 at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Guest Speaker: Preston Montegue Landscape Architect and Artist, Middleburg, Virginia Director of Preston Montague Environmental Design and Fine Arts Studio Guest Co-Host of


CBLP Level 2 Intensive Seminar

Join us for the hybrid version of Level 2! Synchronous classroom sessions are online via Zoom March 23, 24, and 31, 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM. (Yes, there will be a lunch break and time to work in small groups and on your own during class time) Field Day in the DC area: March 25,

$580 – $630

Anne Arundel WSA Conference

Registration is open for this in-person conference (Annapolis, MD).  Great speakers, including several certified CBLP pros. Agenda, speakers, and more details on the conference website. Up to 4 CBLP CEUs

$30 – $90