Tree Care Symposium
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Richmond, VATree populations are being affected by changing climates and conditions. This year, we look at how climate is affecting long-range planning for forest management, review the biomechanics of trees in this environment, and consider the fundamentals of soils for successful trees as well as changes in insect behavior. 5 CBLP CEUs are available.
Hands-On: Buffer Planting in Pennsylvania
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay needs many hands (20-50 volunteers for each event) to help plant riparian buffers. You may count your this toward your CBLP hands on CEUs. …
Webinar: Plants for Bioretention
This webinar will discuss some of the theory behind the interaction between plants and bioretention soil mix, reasons for plant selection, native plants, plants that accumulate contaminants, and some of the installation and maintenance issues related to bioretention. Organized by Virginia DEQ, and open to CBLPs. This is free but you must register in advance. …
Webinar: Green Readiness, Response, and Recovery: Stewardship of natural resources in the context of disturbance
USDA Forest Service Urban Forest Connections Webinar Series Massive social-ecological disturbance and disasters have struck the United States in recent years. In 2017 alone, the country dealt with devastation, destruction, and displacement from three major hurricanes, a nearly unprecedented wildfire season, and senseless acts of violence and terrorism. The magnitude of these disasters requires appropriate, …
Native Meadows: Let’s Get Real
Demand for native meadows, particularly as an alternative to lawn, is increasing, and yet few types of landscape plantings are more misunderstood, with many failures resulting from inadequate planning and the use of poorly adapted plants. Far better results can be obtained when the plants and processes used reflect the ecological character of our naturally …
Webinar: Urban Forestry Today
Join Cornell University diagnosticians Daniel Gilrein & Margery Daughtrey for the 'Urban Forestry Today' webcast as they outline the insects & diseases prevalent in 2018, to better understand what we might encounter in 2019. To connect, go to & enter: 804-281-3551 CBLP CEU is available
Native Woody Plants
Join us for an overview of the native woody plants of the Philadelphia region. We will explore the difference between native and introduced plants and gain an understanding of how native plants perform in the landscape, the built environment, and the ecosystems around us. We will be using The Sibley Guide to Trees as our …
Webinar: Habitat Implementation: Seeding Natives on Rights of Way
This webinar will provide an overview of seeding native habitat on rights-of-way. Key topics will include: fundamentals of seed mix design; native seed sourcing and supply; site assessment and preparation; different techniques for field implementation; and considerations for subsequent maintenance and management. Our expert panel of presenters will include: - Jessi Strinmoen, Shooting Star Native …
Webinar – Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program: Tools for Researchers, Conservation Professionals, and Citizen Scientists
Laura Lukens and Jennifer Thieme from the Monarch Joint Venture will discuss the goals, structure, and uses of the Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program (IMMP). The IMMP is a national initiative to capture information about both monarchs and their habitats across geographies and land use types. Data will be used to update population and habitat models, …
Hands On Volunteer Opportunities in Hampton Roads
The Elizabeth River Project has numerous opportunities to assist with various installations of Living Shorelines, Native Grasses, and Oyster Castles in Virginia Beach and Norfolk this spring and early summer.  This is a great way to learn about these specialized restoration practices. The dates, times, and locations are listed on their website volunteer page. You …