Managing Microstegium (online)

Art Gover will apply his decades of research and operational experiences managing invasive plants to stiltgrass and provide recommendations on methods that work best in various situations.  Luke Flory will discuss his research on the effects of various invasive plant removal methods on native plant restoration. 1 CBLP CEU


Choose Native Mini-Workshop (Online)

Community members, volunteers, and interested professionals are invited to register for this virtual mini-workshop focused on replacing invasive species with those native to Pennsylvania in landscapes and water gardens. Landscaping


Hands On: Volunteer Tree Planting

Penn State will host a volunteer tree plantings/workshop on May 11 in Elizabethtown, Lancaster County. May 11 Join Penn State Extension and the Penn State Agriculture & Environment Center's Greening


CBLP-Crews is a one-day BMP maintenance certificate course designed for maintenance crews and crew leaders who have not yet taken Level 1.   We have a few seats left for the

National Capital PRISM’s Invasive Plant Professional Training

Lubber Run Community Center Arlington, VA

Registration is open. Topics and Speakers will include: Mistaken Identity - Andrejs Brolis, Biologist, NCRN Inventory& Monitoring, National Park Service VA Pesticide Laws and Regulations (Regulatory Update) - Katelyn Chambers, Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services DC Pesticide Laws and Regulations (Regulatory Update) - Alvin Harris, DC Department of Energy and Environment Biological Control



CBLP-Shorelines is a comprehensive series of professional development workshops that prepares existing CBLPs and professionals working along the shoreline to add Living Shoreline services to their business offerings. Workshops are


This comprehensive riparian buffer training program includes 3 sessions. Participants must attend all sessions to earn the CBLP-Buffers certificate, however, there is an a la carte option to register for

$25 – $275
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