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Streambank Repair: Livestaking Workshop

Southeastern Agriculture Research & Extension Center Manheim, PA

At this workshop, we will teach you about the process of cutting and planting live stakes, branch segments of trees and shrubs that are planted during their winter dormancy. We


Tree Care Symposium

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Richmond, VA

Tree populations are being affected by changing climates and conditions. This year, we look at how climate is affecting long-range planning for forest management, review the biomechanics of trees in


Webinar: Plants for Bioretention

This webinar will discuss some of the theory behind the interaction between plants and bioretention soil mix, reasons for plant selection, native plants, plants that accumulate contaminants, and some of


Native Meadows: Let’s Get Real

Demand for native meadows, particularly as an alternative to lawn, is increasing, and yet few types of landscape plantings are more misunderstood, with many failures resulting from inadequate planning and


Webinar: Urban Forestry Today

Join Cornell University diagnosticians Daniel Gilrein & Margery Daughtrey for the 'Urban Forestry Today' webcast as they outline the insects & diseases prevalent in 2018, to better understand what we might encounter in 2019. To connect,


Native Woody Plants

Join us for an overview of the native woody plants of the Philadelphia region. We will explore the difference between native and introduced plants and gain an understanding of how
