Webinar: The Business of the Watershed

Join the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and our B4B Networking Partner Chesapeake Bay Program for a free webinar on the watershed agreement and what it means for busineses. The business community plays an invaluable role in sustaining the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed, and corporate responsibility is a crucial part of


MNLGA Field Day

Ruppert Nurseries 7950 Hawkins Creamery Road, Laytonsville, MD

Maryland Nursery, Landscape and Greenhouse Association Field Day 2017 The program will feature: Welcome and Introduction by Steve Black (MNLGA President) and Craig Ruppert and Kelly Lewis of Ruppert Nurseries Early Morning Discussion Program - Including updates from Deputy Secretary Jim Eichorst, Kimberly Rice (MDA), Craig Regelbrugge (AmericanHort), Dean Craig Beyrouty (UMD AGNR), and the

$15 – $50

Arlington StormwaterWise Landscapes Contractor Training

Fairlington Community Center 3308 S. Stafford St, Arlington, VA

Arlington County is seeking experienced designers, contractors and other landscape professionals to provide services for Arlington County residents and HOAs participating in its StormwaterWise Landscapes grant program.  The StormwaterWise Landscapes program provides incentives for private property owners to install rain gardens, pervious pavement, conservation landscaping, and pavement removal.  Please join us for this half-day StormwaterWise


Webinar: Green Infrastructure- a Lesson in Change

Penn State Extension Community Forestry Management Monthly Webinar Series  Green Infrastructure has been elevated as means to an end for communities to deal with polluted run-off. From a design perspective, it has also been an agent of change in how urban foresters, engineers and landscape architects work together. From a landscape architect’s perspective, join us


VNLA Summer Field Day and Tour

Bennett's Creek Nursery Smithfield, VA

Field Day Thursday, July 20 8:30 am - 4 pm - Registration Open 9:00 am-3:00 pm -Plant ID Quiz &  Earn CEU’s! Choose Speaker Sessions or Tours 9 am-10:00 –Tour Bennett’s Creek Nursery OR “Time of Opportunity in Midst of Uncertainty” 10:00-10:30 am – Network with Exhibitors 10:30-11:30 am – Tour Bennett’s Creek Nursery OR – “Employee

Invasion Biology: Paths to Conservation and Restoration Success

Juniata College Huntingdon, PA

THE 2017 CONFERENCE OF THE MID-ATLANTIC INVASIVE PLANT COUNCIL, CO-HOSTED BY THE SOCIETY FOR ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION, MID-ATLANTIC CHAPTER Keynote Speaker: Dr. Douglas Tallamy, Professor of Entomology, University of Delaware MAIPC and SER-Mid Atlantic have joined forces to present a two-day conference.  The biology and ecology of invasive plants are a driving factor in their impacts on


Virginia Native Plant Society Plant Identification Workshop

Manassas National Battlefield Park Headquarters 12521 Lee Highway, Manasses, Virginia

Join Marion Lobstein and Sally Anderson for a plant identification workshop  This will focus on use of  Newcomb’s Wildflower Guides and the Flora of Virginia. Copies of both books will be available

Living Shoreline Advanced Training

For marine contractors, permit agents & landscape professionals who have a working knowledge of tidal shoreline stabilization Two dates: Thursday August 24, 2017 at Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester


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