National Capital PRISM Invasive Management Training
National Capital Partnership for Invasive Species Management’s Invasive Plant Professional’s Training Event This will be a virtual training, including two virtual field trips. There is no cost to attend. We …
Buffer Field Day in PA
Ephrata, PA Ephrata, PAVisit several riparian buffer locations to see how buffers can be used in both agricultural and urban landscapes. Learn about the benefits of planting trees and shrubs along streams and how to establish a successful buffer. Gain confidence in planting trees and learning how to care for a buffer with hands on activities by participating …
Today’s Menu: Buffer Success Stories
Join us as we kick off Riparian Buffer Month. Certified CBLP pros from Maryland and Virginia will share their buffer success stories. This is a free webinar, but advance registration is required. 1 CBLP CEU
Join us in Pennsylvania or Virginia for CBLP-Buffers, our new certificate course on riparian buffers. This comprehensive riparian buffer training program includes 3 sessions: Buffer Basics Webinar - 1:00 - …
Changing Landscaping Practices: Implications for Landowners and Local Officials (webinar)
This free webinar will provide information on the benefits as well as challenges of lawn conversion and native landscaping. Speakers will provide firsthand knowledge from their experiences in designing, installing, …
Urban Buffer Design Charrette
Urban and suburban sites present unique challenges for implementing or preserving riparian buffers. In this course, we focus on how to effectively design an aesthetically pleasing urban buffer that overcomes …
RiverSmart Homes Contractor Training (Virtual)
Join the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and DC’s Department of Energy and the Environment for a free virtual rain garden training on Tuesday, October 19th from 2-5pm. The RiverSmart Homes landscaping program is currently looking to take on new landscaping companies to help us install rain gardens and BayScapes (conservation landscaping) throughout Washington, DC. If you are interested …
Buffer Field Day in MD
The Maryland Riparian Field Day will consist of field visits to 3 riparian buffer sites: 2 in Prince George’s County and 1 in Howard County. Learn from buffer implementation teams about how these buffers improved the water quality and habitat of the area, as well as reduced costs. 2.5 CBLP CEUs
Benefits of Native Lawn Alternatives in Preserving Remnant Canopy Trees (Virtual)
The Virginia Native Plant Society, Potowmack Chapter, invites you to a presentation by Rod Simmons who will review how environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional lawn and turf cultivation benefit remnant canopy trees. These alternatives help with tree preservation as well as other native vegetation, soil microorganisms, and insects and pollinators.
Riparian Buffer Summit (Virtual)
It's time for the third annual Buffer Summit hosted by the Upper & Middle James Riparian Consortium! The online Buffer Summit will be held virtually on Wednesday, October 27th, 2021 from 10:00 am- 2:30 pm (with breaks). We have an exciting line-up of speakers and networking sessions to engage with other Consortium members and partners …