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VIMS Living Shoreline Training (Virtual)

Learn about dynamic living shoreline designs for coastal resilience.  Registered participants can join a 2-hr virtual session with VIMS shoreline experts, plus have access to related materials for self-paced learning.


Invasive Plant Workshops (Virtual)

Registration is now open for Blue Ridge PRISM's Summer Invasive Plant Workshops.  All workshops are virtual via Zoom. Wednesday May 26, 1 - 4 pm - Register Saturday June 12, 1 - 4


Catawba Sustainability Center Field Day

Catawba Sustainability Center Roanoke County, VA Roanoke County, VA, United States

Join partners of the Upper and Middle James Riparian Consortium to learn about the latest research and guidance on successful riparian buffer projects. Participants will tour Virginia Tech’s Catawba Sustainability


Collaborations for Sourcing Native Plants

Register Now for this two-part online workshop, organized by CBLP/CCLC. Guest speakers, Amy Highland and Sam Hoadley, both from Mt. Cuba Center. Several native plant growers/nurseries from Virginia, Maryland, and

$65 – $75

Novel Ecosystems and the Urban Landscape

The combination of the chronic environmental stress induced by climate change, the physical disturbances of urbanization, and the competition presented by globalization (invasive species) interact to create urban novel ecosystems
