Webinar Series: Natural Area Management

Join this webinar series and learn about expanding Green Industry services to your clientele, and earn a variety of forestry-related recertification credits. Perhaps you manage land for an organization, work with volunteers, or are just an interested landowner? Then this four-part webinar series is for you! The Woods in Your Backyard Partnership has created a

$35 – $55

Chesapeake Watershed Forum

Registration opens on August 24. The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s 15th Annual Chesapeake Watershed Forum (to be held online October 29 – 30) is a watershed-wide event reaching over 400

$50 – $75

Mid Atlantic Horticulture Short Course

MAHSC is an annual education event for professionals in horticulture and allied industries including arboriculture, landscape management, and landscape design & architecture. Dynamic keynotes and engaging concurrent sessions keep you

$85 – $255

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