Live Staking 101 Webinar

Live Staking is a fast, efficient, affordable way to plant trees and shrubs on streambanks and other wet environments. Whether used as a primary method for reforesting an area, as


Winter Woody Plant ID

Join Nature Forward (formerly Audubon Naturalist Society) and certified CBLP, Bradley Simpson for this hybrid class in Maryland. Thursdays, 6 - 8 pm January 12 - February 9 Lectures online

$290 – $340

2023 VSLD Educational Program & Winter Meeting

1800 Lakeside Ave, Henrico, VA 23228 1800 Lakeside Ave, Henrico, VA

Feb. 25,2023 at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Guest Speaker: Preston Montegue Landscape Architect and Artist, Middleburg, Virginia Director of Preston Montague Environmental Design and Fine Arts Studio Guest Co-Host of


CBLP Level 2 Intensive Seminar

Join us for the hybrid version of Level 2! Synchronous classroom sessions are online via Zoom March 23, 24, and 31, 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM. (Yes, there will be a lunch break and time to work in small groups and on your own during class time) Field Day in the DC area: March 25,

$580 – $630

Anne Arundel WSA Conference

Registration is open for this in-person conference (Annapolis, MD).  Great speakers, including several certified CBLP pros. Agenda, speakers, and more details on the conference website. Up to 4 CBLP CEUs

$30 – $90

Invasive Plant ID (online)

This online workshop will provide an introduction to invasive plants and will help you to identify different species for the spring and summer. This session will take place via Zoom and will include a Q&A period with PRISM experts. Cost: $10 This virtual session will be recorded. Those who register will receive access to the

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